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Happiness Journal Prompts

Tiffany King, CCHT

Updated: Dec 13, 2023

Happiness Journal Prompts

Journal prompts can be a great tool to help improve your mindset and increase overall happiness. Journaling in general has numerous benefits related to boosting your mood, including stress relief, improved mental health, and emotional intelligence. Journaling prompts then help you further by encouraging you to be intentional with your practice.

Have fun with your happiness journal. Remember that not every entry has to be profound, the idea is to write about things that make you smile, bring you joy, lift your mood and inspire you.

Let these prompts ignite your imagination and creativity and share your own prompts in the comments 😊

✏️ How would your life today amaze or inspire your childhood self?

✏️ What is something you did for the first time recently?

✏️ What do you want to remember about today? (use this one often!)

✏️ Do you have a favorite childhood memory? See if you can describe it with all your senses.

✏️ What is a personal viewpoint that positively defines you as a person?

✏️ Do you have a personal theme song or power anthem? What is it and why did you chose it?

✏️ Describe your oldest friend. What do you like most about this person?

✏️ Look around the room and list all the items that you’re grateful for.

✏️ Today I am grateful for... Because...

✏️ What is your favorite inspirational quote?

✏️ Describe an experience that was painful, but made you a stronger person.

✏️ What are 5 things you love about yourself? 

✏️ What did you do today that made you feel good? 

✏️ What does the word ‘happy’ mean to you?

✏️ How do you draw strength from your loved ones?

✏️ What is your favorite meal? Describe it using as many senses as you can.

“Journal writing, when it becomes a ritual for transformation, is not only life-changing but life-expanding.”

– Jen Williamson

✏️ Write a short love letter to some object or place that makes you happy.

✏️ What place makes you feel most peaceful? Describe that place using all five senses.

✏️ What are some of your favorite ways to show the people in your life that you love them?

✏️ What’s the kindest thing someone else has ever done for you?

✏️ Write three self-love affirmations that resonate with you and repeat them out loud or in your head.

✏️ When do you feel the most like your true self?

✏️ Imagine a new you, full of self-love. What would you look like? How would you act? What would your life be like?

✏️ Write a love letter to a part of you that you haven’t shown respect to over the years.

✏️ Write a gratitude list to Mother Nature. List everything you love about nature and the earth.

✏️ What rules have you broken that have been worth it?

✏️ How have you stood up for yourself lately?

✏️ What event that almost broke you, turned out to be a blessing in disguise?

✏️ Write a Haiku about your breakfast

✏️ What is your favorite memory of this year so far?

✏️ What reminder do you want to give yourself today?

✏️ What was your first job, and how have you grown since then?

✏️ Who or what gives you inspiration in your professional life?

✏️ What activity do you enjoy most when alone?

✏️ What artist, musician or author are you most grateful for or inspired by?

✏️ How do you show yourself kindness and compassion each day?

✏️ Describe a time when you “paid it forward”.

✏️ What are your favorite hobbies? Why?

✏️ Write about the most fun you had recently. What were you doing and who were you with?


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Rocklin, CA 95677, USA

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