Step 1: Ride the wave (with curiosity)
If you notice a negative feeling brewing because of someone’s words or your own thoughts,... Don't try to shove it away or make it wrong. Just notice and breathe into that sensation with curious awareness for 90 seconds or less. It will naturally crest and begin subsiding.
Pro-tip: feelings are just waves! They'll always pass.
Step 2: Fill the void
Now that the feeling has dissipated, ask yourself "What would I LIKE to feel instead?" Notice, with curiosity what comes to mind.
Step 3: Install the new feeling/state
Adjust your 3 B’s to match the feeling you want to feel.
Body Language: How would you hold your body if you felt that feeling? Do that!
Breathing: How would you breathe if you felt that feeling? (It’s ok to guess.)
Belief: What would you say to yourself or think if you felt that feeling? Keep it SUPER simple. It should be something a 5 year old can easily understand.
Notice that the 3 B’s have infused that place where the old feeling used to be.
Imagine the feeling expanding outward into the iridescent sphere (the Worthy Bubble) surrounding your whole body.
Your Worthy Bubble has a magical filter that allows warmth, kindness, and love into the bubble, while causing toxic vibes that don’t serve you to bounce right off.

Step 4: Keep the change
Now you get to take it a step further and vividly imagine yourself in a scene from the past that made you feel triggered or shamed. But this time, you're encased in your luminous Worthy Bubble. Shame and negativity bounce right off it as you rest here inside your Worthy Bubble.
You don’t even need to try to do anything. Just camp inside the bubble and let it do it’s thing.
How'd that feel?
Now you can go into the future and imagine some situation trying to bring you down, only now you’re enveloped in your own personal Worthy Bubble and you KNOW…
I mean really know…
That you are ok… and that YOU ARE WORTHY of living an excellent life.
Many thanks and credit to Lori Hammond, CCHT for sharing The Worthy Bubble 🫧